SAIADao Membership Proposals GAO Week 2
September 15
Last updated
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September 15
Last updated
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Full weekly update available on Discourse.
Tribute proposals submitted before noon EST on Sept 24th, 2021, will be valued at 500 LOOT/ 100 SHARE per 1000 USDC. There is a 1,000 USDC minimum, 10,000 maximum. Individuals wanting to contribute outside of this can contact a dao member on the IA Discord and it will be considered on a case by case basis.
Please note that we are no accepting funds on xDAI or ETH mainnet, all funds should be sent USDC to the hotwallet at SAIA.sol (pubkey E3i4y9EGLL1i4E66Wbjh6p9oxUTyQRGLECahcNLMeTBS).
We are exploring options to track proposals and membership on Solana, but until then we are still using the XDAI DaoHaus instance to track everything. Feel free to send this information to an existing member instead of trying to fund your xDAI wallet. We will need the TX ID and any ETH wallet address you control.
Go to the SAIA Dao and submit a new membership proposal. (Existing members as well.)
Title: Your DiscordID.
Description: any additional information
Link: Solana explorer transaction ID
Shares requested
Loot requested: Hit additional options to add.
Check with a current member before hitting submit.